MauMau TuTu the Confident Stowaway

This my cat. Her official name is Baby,well because at the time I couldn't make anything else fit her. I don't call her that much anymore, either. I usually call her MauMau TuTu Cat or TuTu for short. She seems too think highly of these monikers for she will answer to them sometimes, if she feels like it. This picture is indicative of her everyday behavior. I would say she thinks she is cute, but I am almost positive she thinks she is MauMau TuTu the most stunningly cute,sexy cat to grace the planet. No one on this earth could convince her otherwise. Why? She just knows who she is.
This is not poetic at all. I just found out that a little girl that goes to church with me was killed last night on the 4th of July. She was struck by a car. She was barely 3 years old. I am still in shock. She was just so little...
Mathematical or Creative?

I have been a bit obsessed with fractals. I have always liked creating something. I took an art class and I loved it, but I never pursued it really any further than that. I have always liked to to experiment with art. Mostly finding myself in abstract realms.
I stumbled across fractals on the net and downloaded a couple of programs. I have been obsessively creating and recreating off and on. Mathmatically creative.